February Umbrella Bouquet - Embroidery Designs
Tattered Stitch Embroideries
$5.25Your zipped file will include the sizes below. THIS IS LIGHT FILL STITCH. YOUR FABRIC WILL SHOW THROUGH. We suggest not opening up the files in any form of software. Please just upload straight to a USB stick and transfer to your machine that way...$5.25 -
Floral Umbrella 2 - Embroidery Designs & Patterns
Tattered Stitch Embroideries
$5.25Your zipped file will include the sizes below. THIS IS LIGHT FILL STITCH. YOUR FABRIC WILL SHOW THROUGH. We suggest not opening up the files in any form of software. Please just upload straight to a USB stick and transfer to your machine that way...$5.25 -
Floral Umbrella #1 - Embroidery Designs & Patterns
Tattered Stitch Embroideries
$5.25Your zipped file will include the sizes below. THIS IS LIGHT FILL STITCH. YOUR FABRIC WILL SHOW THROUGH. We suggest not opening up the files in any form of software. Please just upload straight to a USB stick and transfer to your machine that way...$5.25 -
Spring Floral Swag - Embroidery Designs
Tattered Stitch Embroideries
$5.25This pattern would look beautiful trimming a pillow case, or used as a border for a table cloth or runner. It is light fill stitch, so your fabric will show through. File will include the sizes below. Medium - 6.54" (w) x 3.09" (h) (166.5 x 78.5...$5.25 -
Elegant Spring Leaf Wreath - Embroidery Designs
Tattered Stitch Embroideries
$5.25The Spring Leaf Wreath is a beautiful circular floral pattern that is great for use on any projects requiring a repeating design! For the Machine EmbroidererA zipped file will include the sizes below, in 9 machine embroidery formats, as well as...$5.25